Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lamentations chapter 1

Hello My Friend; Good day.

Our reading for today is from Lamentations chapter 1. Jeremiah has been known as the "Weeping Prophet". He consistently wept because of the broken heart, for the destruction and pillage of his beloved nation and city, the city of God. He wept because of the foolishness, madness of his people, their refusal to repent and obey the God of Israel. He wept because of the suffering of the innocent children, women and the poor of the land. He wept because God rejected His people and would not look back. These were real tears, not like those of actors in Hollywood, or some preachers who weep for money that should be donated. These were real tears and Jeremiah could also be called a man who knew the heart of God. Tears are drops of salty fluid from the eyes caused by irritation, laughter or emotional excitement. Tears are associated with anguish, or grief, sometimes joy. Jeremiah's cheeks knew no joy. They knew tears of Godly sorrow.

Chapter 1 is written like a song or a poem. It is filled with powerful emotions. I urge you to read through. Try to see if there can be any Godly sorrow in your heart regarding the plight of sin in our generation. Is there a prophet in Chicago, New Orleans, or New York city that can weep for the sins of our towns and cities? Are we living in the time when all are complaisant with evil? Remember that the Eternal God of the universe has not lowered His standards. He is the same God who allowed the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Jerusalem. Let us cry for our cities and nations for God's judgment is certainly coming. Hallelujah. Amen.

Prayer for today adapted from verses 20 and 21: "O Lord my anguish : my heart is broken and my soul despairs, for I have terribly rebelled....all my enemies have heard my troubles and they are glad to see what you have done. And yet, O Lord, the time will surely come-for you have promised it-when you will do to them as you have done to me."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 6, 2009.

Hello My Friend; Good day.

Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 52. This is the end of this very interesting book. It summarise the final stages of the capture and destruction of Jerusalem and the fate of Zedekiah the king of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar was such a wicked king and a match for the wickedness of Zedekiah. Read up on the sad fate of Zedekiah in verses 8-11. After Zedekiah was made to watch all his sons and prices and nobles killed, his eyes were gouged out and he was taken to Babylon in chains and put in prison for the rest of his miserable life. Altogether 4600 citizens of Jerusalem were taken into exile in Babylon.

Jesus said, what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his soul? Zedekiah thought in his heart that he was successful for a minute and he forgot his God and engaged in doing wicked things until the anger of the God of Israel caused him and the people of Israel to be ejected from God's presence(verse 3). Success must not be measured in popularity, fame, or fortune. God measures success with the yardstick of obedience , faithfulness and righteousness. Be faithful in doing the work God gives to you my friend. Never, never give up no matter how rocky the road is. Remember that no glory comes through the easy road. Moses suffered in the wilderness for 40 years and Jesus hung naked on the cruel cross. Jeremiah was flogged and put in the cisten to die, and you will not be spared the troubles unless you are not called by God. Remember that my friend and be of good courage.

Jeremiah the hero of our story in the world's eyes was regarded as a failure. He had no money, no family, no friends. He prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem his beloved city which was very unpopular, but it came to pass in their very eyes. The mark of a true prophet is to bring God's message to the people of God truthful and in boldness. Jeremiah did this and we thank God for his gifts. How do you see yourself in God's vineyard my friend? Go back and re-read Jeremiah 48:10. Are you lax in doing god's work? Repent and do the right things and God will bless you as he did Jeremiah. Hallelujah. Amen.

Prayer for today: Dear Lord, thank you for showing us your mind through the visions and prophecies of Jeremiah. Teach us to obey your laws and be faithful in our walk with you. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 5, 2009.

Hello My Friend; Good day.

Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 51. Since Jeremiah could not go to Babylon with the exiles, he sent his message through Seralah, who was an officer who cared for the army. Jeremiah instructed him to read everything to the people, tie it to rock and throw it into the Euphrates River, and say, 'So shall Babylon sink, never to rise, because of the evil I am bringing upon her.'(64).

This prophecy of Jeremiah against Babylon has a dual meaning. For the first meaning, it signified what would happen to Babylon through the hands of Cyrus, the king of Persia who defeated Babylon and demolished the Babylonian Empire. Second significance represents what would happen to the kingdom of Satan at the end times when Babylon, the great beast will be stripped of his power and punished by the Prince of Peace. Look at verse 36. In response to the cries and prayers of the people of Israel, God said, "I will be your lawyer; I will plead your case; I will avenge you." This is a powerful message of comfort for all those who are oppressed and mistreated. God is your Lawyer. He will plead your case and will avenge you. Hallelujah. Amen.

Prayer for today: O Lord, you are a our Refuge and Strength. Comfort your people during the hard and trying times. People are hurting badly and fiercely oppressed by the agents of the old Babylon. Help us to flee from Babylon and from all that it holds and promises. Our hopeand home is Jerusalem and the comfort of the Son of David who will rule eternally in His Kingdom. Amen.

Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 4, 2009.

Hello My Friend; Good day.

Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 50. Babylon the Great world power used its power to subdue all the nations in the then known world. After it serves God's purpose in bringing God's judgment on Judah, Babylon had to wait its own turn of judgment. Babylon itself was an evil empire. The modern name for Babylon is Iraq. We are told that Saddam Hussein had the ambition of regaining the ancient glories of Babylon , thereby acting like the Nebuchadnezzar of old. No wonder the former President Bush described Iraq among the "axis of evil". Babylon was destroyed by the Medo-Persia empire in 539 B.C. We shall see this in our next reading. In verses 17-20, we note that God would not allow Babylon to escape punishment for her own sins: "Therefore the Lord God of Israel says, Now I will punish the king of Babylon and his land as I punished the king of Assyria."(verse 18). Again in 34b God says, "As for the people of Babylon, there is no rest for them." The city shall become home for the ostriches and jackals; wild animals of the desert. Babylon shall be destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns. Look at verse 45, the plan of the Lord for the wicked empire of Babylon: "For even little children shall be dragged away as slaves; oh, the horror; oh the horror."

My Friend, no sin or sinner can escape God's scrutinizing eyes. What goes around comes around. When Israel and Judah had their judgment and punishment from God, other nations rejoiced, not realizing that their turn was coming. Instead of repentance, they indulged in more sin. We are here to tell you nations and individuals to repent and have your sins wiped out by the blood of the Son of God. This is true proposal and no fairy tell. God is real and does punish sin. He also is magnanimous and compassionate. Hallelujah. Amen.

Prayer for today: God of mercy, God of love. Take your eyes off our sins and look on our Blessed Redeemer on the cross and pardon our sins for His sake. Amen.

Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 3, 2009

Hello My Friend; Good day.

Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 49. The prophecy of Jeremiah covered all the nations surrounding Israel namely: the Ammonites (descendants of Lot from the incestuous relationship with his second daughter); the Edomites (descendants of Esau); Damascus; Kedar and Hazor; and Elam. All these were great nations who boasted of their wisdom and strength and self-sufficiency. The Edomites were in constant conflict with Israel due to the birth-right situation between Jacob and Esau. They rejoiced greatly at the fall of Jerusalem not knowing that their downfall was coming. One of Job's friends, Eliphaz was from Teman, a town which was reputed for wisdom (see Job 2:11). When Nebuchadnezzar's army arrived, their wisdom was thrashed and could not save them from God's anger. O man, why should you boast of wisdom and ignore God? "Flee for your lives, says the Lord. Go deep into the deserts, O people of Hazor, for Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, has plotted against you and is preparing to destroy you."(verse 30). My friend, let this warning come alive to you today. The enemy of your soul is around the corner and is ready to destroy you. RUN !!! Hide in the shadow of God's wings. Pray to the Lord your God. Repent of your sins of jealousy and pride. Run for your life. God's mercy is abundant and secured. Look at verse 39: "But in the latter days I will bring the people back, says the Lord." The same thing He said in chapter 48:47; "Yet I will restore the fortunes of Moab in the days to com". He will restore yours too my friend. In the Millennium Kingdom, Christ will reign as the King of all the earth. He will welcome everyone and will have the power to rule them in love, peace and submission. Hallelujah. Amen.

Prayer for today: Let us all say, Amen. Come Lord, come.

Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Daily Devotion and Meditatiobn on the Word of God on February 2, 2009

Hello My Friend; Good day.

Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 48. The entire prophecy is about God's judgment on the Moabites. Moabites are descendants of Lot through the incestuous relationship with his first daughter. According to the Biblical account, Lot did not do it, his daughter planned it. Lot's only problem was that he was drunk with wine. How about that? Stay off the bottles men so you are made no victim to anybody or anything!

We wish to bring your attention to the following: 1. in verse 10 there is a curse on anyone who does not do the Lord's work with all his heart! 2. In verse 27, we are reminded of how Moab made fun of the people of Israel when they were suffering. It is not good to rejoice at any body's misfortune. 3. Moabites' god is Chemosh could not help them. 4. In verse 47, God will remember Moab again during the Millennial Kingdom and make them prosperous again.

Prayer for today: Dear Lord, help us to serve you with all our heart. Forgive us for rejoicing when misfortune befalls our neighbors. Take our love away from the idols of this world so we can focus on worshiping you, the only True God of the universe. We pray through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 1, 2009

Hello My Friend; Good day.

Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 47. Before Pharaoh Necho attacked Gaza in 609 B.C., Jeremiah and other prophets like Isaiah, Amos and Ezekiel had prophesied about the destruction of the Philistians at Gaza and Crete, which is the modern name for Caphtor, the original home of the Philistians. Since the time of Saul and David, the Philistians had always been a thorn in the flesh of Israel. The two nations battled consistently and the current conflict between Israel and Gaza is no new thing. What the world and the news media is not talking about is to question why Israel is in control of the Gaza territory? Are the Palestinians throwing rockets from Gaza making a statement against Israel's expansionism and confiscation of the land of the Gaza people? The descendants of Anakim, we met in Deuteronomy 1:28; 2:10. They were called giants. Jeremiah 47:6-7 talk about the sword of the Lord which would not rest until it destroys all enemies of God and enemies of God's people. Here we see the tenderness in Jeremiah who begs for God's compassion even on the Philistines. The rod of God and so is the Word of God must accomplish what God had ordained. Hallelujah. Amen.

Prayer for today: O Lord, you are merciful to all those who repent and turn from their evil ways. Command your peace upon Israel and the people who live in Gaza. The ceasefire negotiated by the United nations is only temporal. Yours is everlasting peace. Let it be the portion of this waring nations for in the Name of the Prince of Peace we pray. Amen.

Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.