Friday, February 20, 2009
God's Glory Departed from the Temple.
The reading for today's Devotional is from Ezekiel chapter 10. Ezekiel is here in a privileged position in these series of visions to observe the glory of the Lord as it shines through the sanctuary. He sees the operations of divine Providence in the government of the lower world. He observes the angels at work operating and directing the affairs of this world. Angels moving in all directions at will are guided by the Mighty Holy Spirit of God. Ezekiel observed how he that sits on the throne calls calls to the man in the linen to go in between the wheels, and fill his hand with coals of fire and scatter them over the city. This shows the burning of the city and the Temple by the Chaldeans.
Please pay attention to verse 18: "Then the glory of the Lord departed from the threshold of the temple and stood over the cherubim." Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord removing out of the temple, the place where God's honor had long dwelt. He saw the glory departing. My Friend this was a depressing sight for Ezekiel. Think about this now that your body is the doweling place of the Holy Spirit. When you defile and profane your body as Israel defiled and profaned the temple, the Spirit and Glory of God departed. It happens so with us if we fail to keep our bodies clean and holy. Paul says it very eloquently in Romans 12 thus: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." There you are my Friend. God will not dwell in dirt or filth. He will not be in a place where His name is not honored. In His wrath, He will order and permit the angels of destruction to scatter fiery coals to burn all evil. He will still be on His throne in heaven. God demands holiness from His creatures, especially from those He made in His own image and likeness. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: as adapted from Psalm 51: 10-11: Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me." Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The vision of the Slaying angels in Jerusalem
Our reading for today is from Ezekiel chapter 9. The vision which began in chapter 8 now enters the phase of the slaying of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The summons given to the destroyers of Jerusalem was given to God's angels whose job was to lay the city waste. Six men appeared with their instruments of destruction. In Genesis we saw that God's angels were stationed to guard the tree of life so that Adam and Even would not venture to eat and live forever. Also in Exodus, the death angel was dispatched to destroy all those whose house were not marked with blood. Here in Jerusalem, the foreheads of the remnants who feared God were marked for survival of the destruction. So will it be at the end times as recorded in Revelation 7:3 when God's Seal will be placed upon the foreheads of His servants before earth will be destroyed. Note the six men who appeared each came from one of the principal gates of Jerusalem. The armies of the king of Babylon had six commanders each coming through from one of the gates of the city.
Note that in the midst of the destruction there was a man who wore linen clothing and carried a writer's case strapped to his side was like the ancient attorney. The honor of his pen exceeded that of the destroying sword and weapons. He represented Christ as the Mediator saving those that were His from the flaming sword of God's justice. As a high Priest He wears fine linen as in Revelation 19:8. As a prophet he carries the writer's ink box to record the names of the saved into the Lamb's Book of life. Ezekiel was privileged to see the vision in order to know about God's economy of justice. As we walk around everyday, remember that God knows those who are His own to place a mark of identification on their foreheads. Do you have a mark on your forehead? Listen to the warnings of the prophets, priests, preachers, pastors, and THIS BOOK OF THE LAW. You are to read it and meditate on it. That is one of the Principal reasons God gave this Book to you and gives the knowledge for you to read and understand. If you have any questions, write to us and we will do our best to assist you.
Prayer for today: Let us join the Prophet in this prayer as found in verse 8: "Ah, Lord God ! Will you destroy all the remnant of Israel in pouring out your fury on Jerusalem?". Have mercy Lord and save your people according as the man clothed with linen said: " I have done as You commanded me." Hallelujah. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Vision of the Abomination at the Temple
Our reading for today is from Ezekiel chapter 8. Ezekiel is now in captivity, but God is showing him the vision of how the elders, men, and women corrupted and defiled the Temple of the Lord. Here in the vision God brings him back to Jerusalem to show him the sins that were committed there (verses 1-4). The elders of Israel were worshipping all manners of images in a secret chambers; the women were weeping for Tammuz; and the men were worshipping the sun right in the Temple of the Almighty God ! We do not mean to be redundant here, but imagine sins of the leaders even at the very presence of God. Same things are happening in our day and time when Church leaders belong to secret cults, yet they are the ones leading members in worship. They themselves know that they worship Satan, yet they come and deceive themselves in the midst of innocent followers of Christ.
After Ezekiel had seen all these abominations, God asked him in verse 17: "Hast thou not seen these o son of man! and could thou have thought ever to see such things done in the temple of the lord? Here God makes the Prophet the judge. God is appealing to the prophet's good sense of judgment. There is a saying in Ibibioland in Nigeria like this: "okop etop idiok owo ibupke ntak". This means that when people here about the anger or bad things that that person did, they should inquire about the reason. The people who went to steal "ekom" sat at the root of ekom to eat it so that when the owner of "ekom" comes to meet them there, what will he do? In this vision God showed His prophet the height of the abuse and insult the leaders indulged in to bring the Lord to the level of unrepentant anger. Matthew Henry quotes Dr. Lightfoot commenting on this situation as saying: "They put the branch to their wrath, or to his wrath, which means they are still bring more fuel to the fire of Divine wrath which they had already kindled." God in His fury said, "though they cry in my ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them; for their sins cry more loudly for vengeance than their prayers cry for mercy."(Matthew Henry's Commentary page 1043).
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, we sing in the hymn: "what can wash away my sin?" The answer is "nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O! precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus." Remember that Lord and forgive the sins of your people in the Name of Him whose blood can make us whole again. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
God's Judgment on Israel for Idolatry
Our reading for today is from Ezekiel chapters 6 and 7. Ezekiel like many other prophets of his day warned the people of the coming destruction if they refuse to repent of the sin of idolatry. At least 43 times the prophet attached to his prophetic warnings this expression: "Then they will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel was not the Lord, it was the Lord God Almighty, the Father of Israel who spoke through His prophet. Ezekiel did not hesitate to announce the warnings especially after the Lord had told him that the blood of the people will be upon him if he failed to warn them. Ezekiel made sure that Israel remembered that whatever came down the pipe in terms of devastation was not chance game, not fate, not luck, or poor military planning or strategy, but the hand of God was there empowering the enemies to pound them and grind them as powder. God spoke with awesome solemnity when He forbade the Israelites from worshiping anyone or anything other than Him (Exodus 20:3). God requires that we have no other gods before or beside Him. Anyone who breaks this law or treats it with contempt will not escape punishment. Not then, and not now. God says in His Word: "Thus I will spend my fury upon them." (6:12b). Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when their slain are among their idols all around their alters, on every high hill, on all the mountain tops, under every green tree, and under every thick oak, where ever they offered sweet incense to all their idols. So I will stretch my hand against them and make the land desolate, yes more desolate than the wilderness toward Diblah, in all their dwelling places. Then they shall know that I am the Lord." (6:13-14). Chapter 7 follows the same train. We do not wish to be redundant here but we urge you to read through the chapter. It also ends with the same statement: "I will do to them according to their way, And according to what they deserve I will judge them; Then they shall know that I am the Lord!'
My Friend, these warnings which were for Israel then are for you now. What are your idols? Are you putting them before and beside your God? Remember no one, I say no one who treats the Lord or His Word with contempt will go unpunished. See we are so lucky that God has demonstrated His love that when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. That is the escape route when you trust Him and yield your life to the One who died for your sins. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: Thank you Lord for loving the world so much so that you gave your Son , so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life (John 3:16). Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Shaving as an enactment of disgrace
Our reading for today is from Ezekiel chapter 5. This story which God directed Ezekiel to demonstrate symbolizes a dramatic enactment of the fate of Judah and Jerusalem. The shaving off of the hair from the head and beard and dividing them into three parts bore some serious significance. The head and the hair constitute the crown of the body. By shaving and dividing the hair symbolized God's utter rejection of the people as a worthless generation and bringing an end to her honor and liberty. One third that was burnt in the middle of the city denotes those who would perish by famine in the city; the other third would perish by sword; the other third would be carried away into captivity; and the other remnant would be would signify a small remnant that would be left under the government of Gedaliah who would maintain the land.
From verses 5-17, we see that God had set Jerusalem in the center of the surrounding powerful nations to be a beacon of light to them, but Jerusalem turned out to be more rebellious and sinful than those nations. God said that they had become more unruly than the nations around them and had not followed God's decrees nor kept His laws. God said the He Himself was against them. Their suffering would increase to the point that parents will eat their children and children will eat their parents because of starvation. Even those who escaped to the wilderness would be eaten by wild animals. In verse 13, we see that God's anger will come to an end and His wrath satisfied after so much sufferings and public disgrace. It is unbelievable that God would make such pronouncements against His people and actually carried them out! These prophetic pronouncements were made way before they happened so that the critics should know and believe that though the heaven and earth will pass away, the Words of God will stand for ever. The people though Jeremiah and Ezekiel said these things out of their "delusional impulses", but we now see that they were inspired by the Lord Almighty.
A word of caution is necessary to the Church. The Church has proudly called "itself as the "New Israel" and it is rightly so. The Church has been made the center of attraction and the light to the world. We see the Church going in the way of the ancient Israel and Judah. There is more sin in the Church now than in the wicked world, why? Jesus said to the inquires about the ruins of the Temple that they would likewise perish if they failed to repent. God is watching you my friend and if He did not spare His Chosen people, what do you think about yourself after the Prince of Glory came down and died for your sins. The verdict is Repent or you will likewise perish.
Prayer for today: Dear God, we all have sinned and come short of your glory. We all like sheep have turned to our wicked ways. By the merits of your dear Son, have mercy on us, forgive our sins and bring us to life everlasting through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The siege of Jerusalem to be acted out by Ezekiel
Our reading for today is from Ezekiel chapter 4. The siege of Jerusalem was prophesied by many of the prophets of the time. God warned the Israelites through many of his messengers, but it did not seem to work. In the year, 587 B.C., God told Ezekiel to "act out" the coming capture of Jerusalem. In this chapter, we see 4 symbolic actions: mimic the siege by drawing the city on a pan of clay; lay a siege to it; place an iron pan in between him and the city; turn his face toward it. Then take a posture of lying on one side for 390 days and on the other side for 40 days. All this signified the number of years of captivity in Babylon. The food cooked over cow dung signified the defilement of Israel during the period of captivity. Ezekiel learned the horrors of the impending siege before it actually happened through these visions.
By this demonstrations, God justified Himself that He gave proper and adequate warnings to the people. So it is in out day and time. There are sufficient warnings and sermons. Those who have ears will hear but those who refuse to listen are doomed to perish and their blood will be on them. We trust that you are paying great attention to reading the handwriting on the walls of history my friend.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, in the days past you spoke to our fathers through the prophets but now you speak to us through the Gospel of your Son. Thank you for you do not desire that anyone should perish. Grant us the grace to run to hide in the shelter you have provided through the Laws, the prophets and the gospel message. Hallelujah. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ezekiel is commissioned as a Watchman for Israel.
The reading for today is from Ezekiel chapter 3. God said to Ezekiel "eat the scroll; then go and speak to the house of Israel." The scroll tasted as sweet as honey in his mouth. David said come and taste and see that the Lord is good. This is the same scroll i am asking you to taste every day. The Word of the Lord is sweet my friend. As a watchman for Israel, Ezekiel had a tough job. Jesus knew it and said only in his own household, city and community that a prophet has no honor. No honor! But nevertheless you MUST GO SPEAK TO THEM. If you warn them, you are free of their blood, but if you fail to warn and they die in their sin, their blood is on you. That is a very heavy task. Ezekiel was to warn both the righteous and the wicked alike. The wicked is warned to repent of sin while the righteous is warned to hold unto his righteousness. In verses 22-24 we see how the Spirit took him to the valley to show him again the glory of the Lord. And how about the physical restraint so that he would not prophesy in verse 25? The enemies of the Gospel will do everything within their limited power to stop God's people from preaching, but set your face like a flint on your duty. The elders of Judah visited Ezekiel and sat with him in his house to witness his spiritual ecstasies; but God shut his mouth and would not allow His servant go for a reprover.
Are you willing to become a watchman in the Lord's house? A watchman's job is to warn the city or a place of the impending intruder. In Isaiah 62:6, God posted watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem to pray for the peace and restoration of Jerusalem. God posted Ezekiel as watchman over the captive Israelites in Babylon. You can be a watchman over the lost and captive people of your household and community. Do not say you are free while in captivity by Satan and dead in sin. Spiritual enslavement is worse than physical enslavement. Eat this scroll and digest it and you will see the difference my Friend.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, send your Spirit to us and cause us to get up. Left in our flesh, we cannot get up. Then open our eyes to see your glory as Ezekiel saw at the Kebar River so we can fall on our faces to worship you as he did. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Ezekiel is called and commissioned by God.
Our reading today for meditation is from Ezekiel chapter 2. In the previous chapter Ezekiel was lying down, face downward when he heard God's voice saying to me, "Stand up, son of man, and I will talk to you." It is a sign of reference when we prostrate before God, but it is also a sign of readiness when we stand on our feet before Him. God's immortal Spirit entered into Ezekiel and enabled him to stand. Jesus said to His disciples, without me you can do nothing. Without God's Spirit, Ezekiel would not be able to stand. The commission came in verse 3. Ezekiel is sent to a rebellious nation: a stiff-necked nation of Israel. Look at verse 4: "For they are a hardhearted, stiff-necked people." Whether they listen or not give them the message anyway and do not be afraid or be frightened by them. God demanded of Ezekiel obedience. Do not worry about whether they listen or not, just obey me. Don't be a rebel too. Instructed to open his mouth, a hand holding out to him brought a scroll on which were written on both sides. He unrolled it and Ezekiel saw warnings of woe, lamentations and mourning.
Ezekiel ate God's message. This is the same message we are urging you to eat now. This is your spiritual food. Eat it my friend and live. Refusal will starve your soul and you do not want to be fleshly fat and spiritually lean. If you digest God's Word, it will make you spiritually stronger and it will soften your hard core of resistance against obedience to the laws of the Almighty God. You will begin to experience relief and refreshing new life. Just as God told Ezekiel not to give up, we are telling you now not to give up. You may be sitting with scorpions, venomous and malignant devilish beings. Wicked men are like briers and thorns which hinder the prosperity of God's vine yard, but press on my friend. Ezekiel was conversing with the angels in the vision, but he had to come down to deal with the scorpions. Jesus with Peter, James and John had to come down from the mountain top to deal with the problem of unbelief and lack of faith of the rest of the disciples. But keep on going my friend. Many will oppose and critic your sermons and prayers and the way you dress, but keep on going my friend. The one who commissioned you is the one to judge your performance. Stand up, son/daughter of man. Stand up for Jesus, soldier of the cross. Stand up and be counted; stand up. Be encouraged and keep on going. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: Lord send down your glory from the crystal skies above; from the firmament over the skies, send down your Spirit and cause us to stand up. Only your Spirit can cause the muscles in our legs to be strong to stand. Feed us with your Word till we want no more. As we repent of our sins, turn our mourning into dancing, our woes into gladness, and our lamentations into joyful testimonies. Hallelujah. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Book Ezekiel wrote chapter 1: his call and commission
Our reading for today, February 12, 2009 is from Ezekiel chapter 1. Ezekiel was one we regard among the Major prophets of ancient Israel. His name means "God is strong", or "God makes strong". He had to be strong given all the things he went through at his young age. He was a young contemporary of Jeremiah and Daniel. He was called to be a prophet at the time Judah went into captivity in Babylon and his ministry of over 22 years was among the captives in the streets of Babylon. God was very kind and faithful to Israel for sending a prophet among the captives to preach, warn and motivate them to yield their lives back to God. God called Ezekiel when he just made 30, ready to enter into priesthood. His career was changed.
Verses 4-26 describe the strange vision which the Lord showed to Ezekiel. Please read up. The four living creatures had four faces; lion for strength, the ox for for diligent service, the man for intelligence, and the eagle for divinity and majesty. The four creatures can be said to symbolize the four Gospels and the early Church Fathers interpreted each to represent as follows: Matthew represents lion as he spoke of Christ as the Lion of Judah; Mark represents the Ox and spoke of the suffering Servant hood of Christ; Luke represents man and spoke of Christ as the perfect Man; John represents Christ as eagle, portraying Christ as the Divine Son of God full of Grace and majesty. In Revelation 4, we see a parallel of the vision of Ezekiel. The four living creatures are powerful symbols of God's judgment and the rainbow over the throne symbolizes God's compromising faithfulness. Remember in Genesis when god showed a rainbow in the sky to give Noah the assurance that He will never again destroy the earth with the rain and flood(see Genesis 9:8-17). In verse 28 Ezekiel saw God's Glory and fell down on his face. Think about this: in Isaiah 6:1-6, Isaiah saw the Lord in the year King Josiah died and that was when he was commissioned as prophet; in Exodus 3:1-12 Moses saw the burning bush and was commissioned to lead the Hebrew children out of Egypt; Peter, James and John saw the transfiguration of the Lord and were affirmed as the insiders of the Apostleship; Saul saw the light of the Christ he persecuted and was commissioned to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. Do you remember anything spectacular in your life that signified God's presence? How about a dream like Jacob had on the road, and wrestling with the angel? It was then that he knew the Lord was in that place and he did not even know it.
Ezekiel was called to be with the Israelite captives in Babylon to help them develop a sense of repentance and to be assured that though it would be longer than expected, the Lord will finally come through to restore them to their original homeland. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: God is our refuge and strength, our very present help in time of trouble. Be still and know that God is able, faithful, and willing to help. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Jeremiah's Prayer for restoration.
Our reading for today is from Lamentations chapter 5. This is the end of Jeremiah's literary poetic lament. He lived an entire life absorbed in the well fare of his nation: preaching, prophesying, warning, pleading and praying for the nation of Judah and Israel. In this last prayer he pleads to God not to forget all the things that have befallen them; the sorrows and insults they had borne. He lets God know that most of the sins were committed by their fathers who had long died. The glory of Jerusalem was gone, and the Temple of the Lord was deserted by all but wild animals lurking in the ruins. Jeremiah acknowledges the Lord as an everlasting the same and His throne continues from everlasting to everlasting. Then he pleads for forgiveness and mercy. And finally he begs the questions:"Have you utterly rejected us? Are you angry with us still?
Sin separates us from God. Jeremiah knew it and he would like us to remember that too. God's compassion never ends and so my friend if you are suffering, cry out to God for your God is one cry away as He listens to the cry of His children to forgive, comfort and nurture.
Prayer for today as adapted from verses 19-21: "O Lord, forever you remain the same! Your throne continues from generation to generation. Why do you forget us forever? Why do you forsake us for so long? Turn us around and bring us back to you again! That is our our only hope! Give us back the joys we used to have! Hallelujah. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Lament of Jeremiah about God's anger satisfied .
Our reading for today is from Lamentations chapter 4. In this lamentation poem, Jeremiah recounts all the horrible sufferings of the rich and poor of Jerusalem during the two year siege on Jerusalem. He recalls how food ran out till people even ate their own children; and some dead bodies were left on the streets to rot. He compares the siege on Jerusalem to the destruction of Sodom when the fire from heaven burnt it down (see Genesis 18 and 19) and yet the sin of Jerusalem was greater than the sin of Sodom. He laments the foolishness of the King of Judah who sought protection from Egypt against the counsel of the true prophet of God. King Zedekiah chose the counsel of false prophets. He ends the poem with condemnation of Edom who chose to actively aid Babylon in the siege of Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar rewarded Edom by giving the outlying lands of Judah to Edom. We cannot fully understand the core reasons behind the fights and enmity around the Middle East territories. Edom will be judged for treachery against her brother, Israel. Hatred from families hurt the most, yet it is real even in our lifetime. Let us repent of selfishness and wickedness towards our relatives and family members, and friends too.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, your just anger was poured out on your holy land and your holy temple because of the sins of the kings, prophets and priests. Through the mercy and sacrifice of your Son, have mercy and heal your land and comfort your people. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Hope in the midst of affliction form Lamentations chapter 3
Our reading for today is from Lamentations chapter 3. It is a long and interesting reading comprising 66 verses like the 66 books of the Bible. It reads like an acrostic poem. In this chapter, Jeremiah shows us that even in the darkest moment there is hope and assurance in God; that God is faithful and you can call Him Faithful for a name. No wonder some people name their children "Faith" for God! Jeremiah was excited beyond his wildest dreams when he found out that those who were exiled to Babylon were not killed and that they were safe. He wrote about God's mercy and unfailing love in verses 21-26 thus:"Yet there is a ray of hope: his compassion never ends. It is only the Lord's mercies that have kept us from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his loving kindness begins afresh each day. My soul claims the Lord as my inheritance for I will hope in him."
My Friend, it does not get any better! Jeremiah's poem sings like music and tastes like fresh wine. No wonder David exclaims in the Psalms, "O taste and see that the Lord is good". Jeremiah remembers how the Lord came to his rescue when they threw him into a cistern and covered it and the water covered his head. He cried to the Lord and the Lord sent help for him through Ebed-melech the Ethiopian( see Jeremiah 38:1-13). Jeremiah used that experience to illustrate the picture of his nation sinking into sin and the power of God to rescue them if they repent. What is your experience of God's redemptive power? If you have experienced it, praise His name, but if not, place your hope in Him and it will surprice you what the Lord can do. It is better than money in the bank.
Prayer for today as adapted from verses 55-66: "O Lord, you are my layer! Plead my case!For you have redeemed my life. You have seen the wrong they do to me; be my Judge, to prove me right. You have seen the plots my foes have laid against me.....O Lord, repay them well for all the evil they have done. Harden their hearts and and curse them, Lord. Go after them in fierce pursuit and wipe them off the earth,beneath the heavens of the Lord." Amen.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Devotional reading on Lamentations chapter 2.
Please disregard the error on the date on today's message. It is February 8, 2009 an today's Blog.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
God's anger at sin in Lamentations chapter 2.February 7, 2009.
Our reading for today is from Lamentations chapter 2. Chapter 1 described Jerusalem's desolation, but chapter 2 calls God's people to repentance. If sin had brought all this desolation, should the people continue in sin so that grace may abound? Though sins of the leaders brought these tragic consequences on the innocent was it God's fault and must God be the one to repent?That God allowed the Temple to be demolished meant that God no longer dwelt among His people (verse 6). We must remember that our place of worship is not more important than our pattern of worship. A church may have stain glass windows with images of Jesus and the angels, but if the worshipers inside it are not sincere to God, it decays from within. False worship amounts to a mockery of God but the Scripture has clearly declared that God is not mocked and whatsoever a man/woman sows, that must he/she also reap. The reaping will cause sadness and sorrows. A bad harvest yields anger and frustration, but whose fault? Jeremiah had tears of genuine sorrow; tears of compassion. Jesus wept over Jerusalem and he also wept over the death of His dear friend, Lazarus (John 11:35). What kind of tears do you shed today my Friend? Do you weep over the sins that freely flow on the city streets? Do you weep over children killing other children and their teachers on the school grounds? What do you weep for?. A Godly sorrow expresses the mind of God. Weep for forgiveness, weep my friend. Jeremiah's tears will never be forgotten. That is why we read of him today. There were thousands of false prophets in Jerusalem who told the people that everything was okay and that Jerusalem was fine. We do not hear about them today. Stand in the gap, pray and weep for our children, family, friends, church, community, and country today my friend and your tears will never be lost. Do not sit around and be complaisant. Do not be in the crowd and be lost with them. Stand out, speak up, pray and act. That was what Jeremiah taught us to do. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today as adapted from verses 18-21: "O walls of Jerusalem, let tears fall down upon you like a river; give yourselves no rest from weeping day or night and cry to your God. Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord; lift up your hands to him; plead for your children as they faint with hunger in the streets. O Lord, think! These are your own people to whom you are doing this. ....See them lying in the streets-old and young, boys and girls, killed by the enemies' swords. You have killed them Lord in your anger; you have killed them without mercy." Now Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer and heal our land through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Lamentations chapter 1
Our reading for today is from Lamentations chapter 1. Jeremiah has been known as the "Weeping Prophet". He consistently wept because of the broken heart, for the destruction and pillage of his beloved nation and city, the city of God. He wept because of the foolishness, madness of his people, their refusal to repent and obey the God of Israel. He wept because of the suffering of the innocent children, women and the poor of the land. He wept because God rejected His people and would not look back. These were real tears, not like those of actors in Hollywood, or some preachers who weep for money that should be donated. These were real tears and Jeremiah could also be called a man who knew the heart of God. Tears are drops of salty fluid from the eyes caused by irritation, laughter or emotional excitement. Tears are associated with anguish, or grief, sometimes joy. Jeremiah's cheeks knew no joy. They knew tears of Godly sorrow.
Chapter 1 is written like a song or a poem. It is filled with powerful emotions. I urge you to read through. Try to see if there can be any Godly sorrow in your heart regarding the plight of sin in our generation. Is there a prophet in Chicago, New Orleans, or New York city that can weep for the sins of our towns and cities? Are we living in the time when all are complaisant with evil? Remember that the Eternal God of the universe has not lowered His standards. He is the same God who allowed the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Jerusalem. Let us cry for our cities and nations for God's judgment is certainly coming. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today adapted from verses 20 and 21: "O Lord my anguish : my heart is broken and my soul despairs, for I have terribly rebelled....all my enemies have heard my troubles and they are glad to see what you have done. And yet, O Lord, the time will surely come-for you have promised it-when you will do to them as you have done to me."
Friday, February 6, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 6, 2009.
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 52. This is the end of this very interesting book. It summarise the final stages of the capture and destruction of Jerusalem and the fate of Zedekiah the king of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar was such a wicked king and a match for the wickedness of Zedekiah. Read up on the sad fate of Zedekiah in verses 8-11. After Zedekiah was made to watch all his sons and prices and nobles killed, his eyes were gouged out and he was taken to Babylon in chains and put in prison for the rest of his miserable life. Altogether 4600 citizens of Jerusalem were taken into exile in Babylon.
Jesus said, what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his soul? Zedekiah thought in his heart that he was successful for a minute and he forgot his God and engaged in doing wicked things until the anger of the God of Israel caused him and the people of Israel to be ejected from God's presence(verse 3). Success must not be measured in popularity, fame, or fortune. God measures success with the yardstick of obedience , faithfulness and righteousness. Be faithful in doing the work God gives to you my friend. Never, never give up no matter how rocky the road is. Remember that no glory comes through the easy road. Moses suffered in the wilderness for 40 years and Jesus hung naked on the cruel cross. Jeremiah was flogged and put in the cisten to die, and you will not be spared the troubles unless you are not called by God. Remember that my friend and be of good courage.
Jeremiah the hero of our story in the world's eyes was regarded as a failure. He had no money, no family, no friends. He prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem his beloved city which was very unpopular, but it came to pass in their very eyes. The mark of a true prophet is to bring God's message to the people of God truthful and in boldness. Jeremiah did this and we thank God for his gifts. How do you see yourself in God's vineyard my friend? Go back and re-read Jeremiah 48:10. Are you lax in doing god's work? Repent and do the right things and God will bless you as he did Jeremiah. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, thank you for showing us your mind through the visions and prophecies of Jeremiah. Teach us to obey your laws and be faithful in our walk with you. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 5, 2009.
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 51. Since Jeremiah could not go to Babylon with the exiles, he sent his message through Seralah, who was an officer who cared for the army. Jeremiah instructed him to read everything to the people, tie it to rock and throw it into the Euphrates River, and say, 'So shall Babylon sink, never to rise, because of the evil I am bringing upon her.'(64).
This prophecy of Jeremiah against Babylon has a dual meaning. For the first meaning, it signified what would happen to Babylon through the hands of Cyrus, the king of Persia who defeated Babylon and demolished the Babylonian Empire. Second significance represents what would happen to the kingdom of Satan at the end times when Babylon, the great beast will be stripped of his power and punished by the Prince of Peace. Look at verse 36. In response to the cries and prayers of the people of Israel, God said, "I will be your lawyer; I will plead your case; I will avenge you." This is a powerful message of comfort for all those who are oppressed and mistreated. God is your Lawyer. He will plead your case and will avenge you. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: O Lord, you are a our Refuge and Strength. Comfort your people during the hard and trying times. People are hurting badly and fiercely oppressed by the agents of the old Babylon. Help us to flee from Babylon and from all that it holds and promises. Our hopeand home is Jerusalem and the comfort of the Son of David who will rule eternally in His Kingdom. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 4, 2009.
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 50. Babylon the Great world power used its power to subdue all the nations in the then known world. After it serves God's purpose in bringing God's judgment on Judah, Babylon had to wait its own turn of judgment. Babylon itself was an evil empire. The modern name for Babylon is Iraq. We are told that Saddam Hussein had the ambition of regaining the ancient glories of Babylon , thereby acting like the Nebuchadnezzar of old. No wonder the former President Bush described Iraq among the "axis of evil". Babylon was destroyed by the Medo-Persia empire in 539 B.C. We shall see this in our next reading. In verses 17-20, we note that God would not allow Babylon to escape punishment for her own sins: "Therefore the Lord God of Israel says, Now I will punish the king of Babylon and his land as I punished the king of Assyria."(verse 18). Again in 34b God says, "As for the people of Babylon, there is no rest for them." The city shall become home for the ostriches and jackals; wild animals of the desert. Babylon shall be destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns. Look at verse 45, the plan of the Lord for the wicked empire of Babylon: "For even little children shall be dragged away as slaves; oh, the horror; oh the horror."
My Friend, no sin or sinner can escape God's scrutinizing eyes. What goes around comes around. When Israel and Judah had their judgment and punishment from God, other nations rejoiced, not realizing that their turn was coming. Instead of repentance, they indulged in more sin. We are here to tell you nations and individuals to repent and have your sins wiped out by the blood of the Son of God. This is true proposal and no fairy tell. God is real and does punish sin. He also is magnanimous and compassionate. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: God of mercy, God of love. Take your eyes off our sins and look on our Blessed Redeemer on the cross and pardon our sins for His sake. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 3, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 49. The prophecy of Jeremiah covered all the nations surrounding Israel namely: the Ammonites (descendants of Lot from the incestuous relationship with his second daughter); the Edomites (descendants of Esau); Damascus; Kedar and Hazor; and Elam. All these were great nations who boasted of their wisdom and strength and self-sufficiency. The Edomites were in constant conflict with Israel due to the birth-right situation between Jacob and Esau. They rejoiced greatly at the fall of Jerusalem not knowing that their downfall was coming. One of Job's friends, Eliphaz was from Teman, a town which was reputed for wisdom (see Job 2:11). When Nebuchadnezzar's army arrived, their wisdom was thrashed and could not save them from God's anger. O man, why should you boast of wisdom and ignore God? "Flee for your lives, says the Lord. Go deep into the deserts, O people of Hazor, for Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, has plotted against you and is preparing to destroy you."(verse 30). My friend, let this warning come alive to you today. The enemy of your soul is around the corner and is ready to destroy you. RUN !!! Hide in the shadow of God's wings. Pray to the Lord your God. Repent of your sins of jealousy and pride. Run for your life. God's mercy is abundant and secured. Look at verse 39: "But in the latter days I will bring the people back, says the Lord." The same thing He said in chapter 48:47; "Yet I will restore the fortunes of Moab in the days to com". He will restore yours too my friend. In the Millennium Kingdom, Christ will reign as the King of all the earth. He will welcome everyone and will have the power to rule them in love, peace and submission. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: Let us all say, Amen. Come Lord, come.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditatiobn on the Word of God on February 2, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 48. The entire prophecy is about God's judgment on the Moabites. Moabites are descendants of Lot through the incestuous relationship with his first daughter. According to the Biblical account, Lot did not do it, his daughter planned it. Lot's only problem was that he was drunk with wine. How about that? Stay off the bottles men so you are made no victim to anybody or anything!
We wish to bring your attention to the following: 1. in verse 10 there is a curse on anyone who does not do the Lord's work with all his heart! 2. In verse 27, we are reminded of how Moab made fun of the people of Israel when they were suffering. It is not good to rejoice at any body's misfortune. 3. Moabites' god is Chemosh could not help them. 4. In verse 47, God will remember Moab again during the Millennial Kingdom and make them prosperous again.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, help us to serve you with all our heart. Forgive us for rejoicing when misfortune befalls our neighbors. Take our love away from the idols of this world so we can focus on worshiping you, the only True God of the universe. We pray through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on February 1, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 47. Before Pharaoh Necho attacked Gaza in 609 B.C., Jeremiah and other prophets like Isaiah, Amos and Ezekiel had prophesied about the destruction of the Philistians at Gaza and Crete, which is the modern name for Caphtor, the original home of the Philistians. Since the time of Saul and David, the Philistians had always been a thorn in the flesh of Israel. The two nations battled consistently and the current conflict between Israel and Gaza is no new thing. What the world and the news media is not talking about is to question why Israel is in control of the Gaza territory? Are the Palestinians throwing rockets from Gaza making a statement against Israel's expansionism and confiscation of the land of the Gaza people? The descendants of Anakim, we met in Deuteronomy 1:28; 2:10. They were called giants. Jeremiah 47:6-7 talk about the sword of the Lord which would not rest until it destroys all enemies of God and enemies of God's people. Here we see the tenderness in Jeremiah who begs for God's compassion even on the Philistines. The rod of God and so is the Word of God must accomplish what God had ordained. Hallelujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: O Lord, you are merciful to all those who repent and turn from their evil ways. Command your peace upon Israel and the people who live in Gaza. The ceasefire negotiated by the United nations is only temporal. Yours is everlasting peace. Let it be the portion of this waring nations for in the Name of the Prince of Peace we pray. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on January 31, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 46. Jeremiah also prophesied about other nations other than Israel and Judah. This chapter is particularly about the defeat of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. This war brought about the transfer of world domination from Egypt to Babylon. Please note that from the beginning of time and the recorded history, this defeat of Egypt indicated the first time any other nation and race dominated the world other than the Africans and the Black race. The life application Bible translation says in verses 8-9, "It is the Egyptian army, boasting that it will cover the earth like a flood, destroying every foe. Then come, O horses and chariots and mighty soldiers of Egypt ! Come, all of you from Cush and Put and Lud who handle the shield and bend the bow !" The African Heritage Edition of King James calls them Ethiopians and Libyans and the Lydians. The Ryrie study Bible says: "O warriors-men of Cush and Put who carry shields." No mention of London, France, Germany, or Italy is made here. This commercial is just to serve notice that this Bible is an African Book and Africans wrote it about themselves. They have to love it and read it and not allow any other people to steal their legacy.
The footnote by the Ryrie version on verse 9, says that men of Cush (Upper Nile region) and Put (N. coast of Africa), and men of Lydia (inhabitants of Asia Minor) were employed as mercenaries by the Egyptians is erroneous and total falsehood which the Europeans writers have perpetrated through the centuries to hide the African involvement and ownership of the Biblical story. It begs the Big question then, who are the Egyptians? Are they not those the Bible calls Put? Were they not Black and Africans?
Look at verses 27 and 28. The message turns again to the Jews who escaped to Egypt and comforts them that though they were punished for a minute due to idol worship, God will surely save them out of the distant places and their descendants from the lands of their exile.
My Friend, lets face it. Today, it does not matter what color or race you belong. God punished both Egyptians and the Jews because of the worship of idol gods instead of the one true God. God is calling the wrold to come to Him through His Son Jesus Christ so we can all belong in one family of faith. Halellujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: (adapted from Ephesians 4:13): Lord help us to build your Church, the Body of Christ and reach unity in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature and attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. For His sake and in His Name we pray. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on January 30, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 45. This is a very short chapter which should have been appended to chapter 36. In the 4 th year of the reign of Jehoiakim, 605 B.C., Jeremiah told Baruch to write on the scroll everything he would dictate and go to the Temple to read it out to the people. At that time Prophet Jeremiah had been banned from entering the Temple because of his controversial prophecies. Baruch carried out this instruction and got into a lot of trouble and threats to his life. Please refer to Jeremiah chapter 36 and re-read it.Look at 36:19: "Then the officials said to Baruch, you and Jeremiah, go and hide. Don't let anyone know where you are." So you know, after king Jehoiakim had burnt the scroll, he ordered the arrest of Jeremiah and Baruch(36:26).
Due to this threats, Baruch was afraid and began to complain openly about how much trouble was out there for him saying: "Woe to me ! The Lord has added sorrow to my pen. i am worn out with groaning and find no rest."(verse 3). We should understand that it was no easy task to write the prophecies with pen and ink. So Baruch was right. In fact he had to write it over after the king had burned the first scroll. Then after that to face the threat of death. Some of us have not suffered like that yet we complain. But listen to the Word of the Lord to Baruch: "Should you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life."(verse 5). Baruch had the whole chapter 45 of Jeremiah recounting God's message to him. God does not promise us riches and fame, but He promises to be with us. Baruch was given an assurance of God's protection during troubling times. Think about it like this. You were in a place like Iraq during the invasion and God sent the Prophet to tell you that nothing will harm you. That would be a great news. My friend, God does not forget our good deeds. He constantly things about those who obey His laws. Hallelujahs. Amen.
Prayer for today: (Adapted from Psalm 25) : Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are of old. Show us your ways, guide us in your truth, and teach us for you are God our Savior and our hope is in you all day long. In the Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on January 29, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 44. This message from the Lord came to Jeremiah in the year 580 B.C. while he was forced to go to Egypt by those Jews who escaped from Jerusalem to Egypt. God had sent several prophets to warn them but they refused to listen(vvs 4-14). The Queen of Heaven who the Jews were worshpping in Egypt was a name for Ishtar, the Mesopotamian goddess of love and war. When the Jews escaped to Egypt, they began again to worship her. They even thought that the reason things went bad for them was because they failed to worship the Queen of Heaven the right way. They failed to recognize that their involvement in worshipping the idol was the root cause of their dispersion from their land. Read up on Jeremiah's response to them in verses 24-30.
The people of Judah never learned any lesson from their past mistakes so they kept on repeating the same over and over again. To fail to learn from a mistake is to guarantee repeated failures. The past should be a school for the future. God swore by His Great Name it will do them no good by seeking His help and blessings. God will watch over them but not for good. He swore to see to it that evil befell them(verses 26-28). These were very powerful statements. God's promises are timeless and subject to contextualization. We may not be living in Jerusalem but if we do the same things as the Jews did, the same curses apply. Let me ask you my friend, what are your idols? What do you hold as the Queen of Heaven? Are you aware that by doing so you are creating enmity between you and your God? DEPART FROM THEM AND RETURN TO YOUR GOD AND BE BLESSED. Halellujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, we sing in our song:" You are the Lord, that is your Name. You will never share your glory with anyone; you will never share your glory with anybody; Almighty God, that is your Name". You will never share your glory even with the so-called "Queen of Heaven". Help us to put you at the center of our lives so that you bless us with all heavenly blessings. So that you watch over us for good and protect us from all evil. We pray in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on January 28, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapters 42 and 43. Johanan and his army captains, bent on going into Egypt for political asylum instead of going to Babylon went to Jeremiah to pray to his God to show them if it was wise to go to Egypt. Jeremiah accepted the request and went on a ten day prayer session. Johanan and his associates spoke a curse on themselves after knowing that her intention was to go to Egypt. Ten days later the Lord gave his reply to Jeremiah and warned that they should not go to Egypt. The Lord regretted that he had punished them and promised to be merciful. Jeremiah delivered the message to them and warned: "Never forget the warning I have given you today. if you go, it will be at the cost of your lives. For you were deceitful when you sent me to pray for you"(verses18-20).
In chapter 43, Johanan and his friends told Jeremiah that his message from the Lord was a lie. They refused to obey the Lord and stay in Judah, so they headed for Egypt even forcing Jeremiah to go with them. So they entered Egypt in disobedience to the Lord and went as far as Tahpanhes. There in Tahpanhes, God spoke to Jeremiah and told him that he would send for his servant Nebuchadnezzar and he will come and set his throne in Egypt at the very spot Jeremiah laid a stone. They thought that God will spare them if Jeremiah was with them. Ultimately, Nebuchadnezzar invaded Egypt in 568-567 B.C. and crushed Egypt just as they did Jerusalem.
Once delivered from Egypt under Moses and Aaron, Israel had no business going back to Egypt except the Lord directs.
The people of Israel had their God and their prophet consistently speaking to them and warning them against evil, but they chose to go the other way. And so it is in our day and time. Many people dispise great leaders and messages from God because they have a mind-set to pursue their own ways. It is our duty to seek God's face, bring messages, and warn the people. The choice to hear and repent lies with individuals as the final destiny is in theirs hands. Halellujah. Amen.
Prayer for today: Dear God, Your love is everlasting love. Help us to listen to the voice of counsel and warning from your Word so we can repent and be saved. Let not the desire to go back to Egypyt just for the sake of the good things of Egypyt continue to drive us, but let us move from the wilderness into the promised land and be blessed through the One who was sent to save Israel and the whole world. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on January 27, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 41. It is a very tragic, bloody, and barbarous story in this chapter. The evil that men do leaves after them, but the good is often entered with the bones, so Shakespeare had written. Though descended from the royal line of King David, the activities of Ishmael did not portray royalty. He acted as a bandit, a terrorist, a gorrilla leader. After treacherously killing Gedaliah, the Babylonian appointed governor for Jerusalem at the dinner table the governor provided to honor him and his ten friends, Ishmael also killed some 80 good honest men who came from Shechem, Samaria, and Shiloh to Jerusalem, with heads shelved and in sack-clothes to lament the ashes of the Temple of the Lord and their fallen beloved City. He pretended to be in sympathy with them, tricked them to the area and killed 70 of them, but ten tricked him and escaped. Ishmael made captives of the rest of the people left in Mizpah-the king's daughters. Johanan and his military men left their post and that was the reason Ishmael had his way to kill Gedaliah and the Babylonian guards. Johanan also made another mistake of leading all the survivors whom he recovered from ishmael on their way to Egypt. We shall see in our next reading, chapter 42 that it was a Big mistake to go to Egypt.
There are many lessons to be learned from this story:i. the pretended friendhip; the one who ate Gedaliah's bread lifted up his hand to kill him; 2. Gedaliah's naivity of not listening to the warning given to him in chapter 40 and allowing Johanan to be away from his duty; prophet Jeremiah had warned that it was better to go into captivity than remain in Jerusalem. Surely the bitterness of captivity was past, but death still lingered because there is no rest for the wicked.
Prayer for today: O Lord, our times are in your hand. Give us the wisdom and discernment to know and enemies who come to us in disguise of friendship. Draw good people to us and lead the wicked away from us through the power of the One who can save us to the uttermost. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on January 26, 2009.
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 40. Jeremiah found favor with Nebuzaradan, commander of the Babylonian guard who released him at Ramah. Ramah, a city five miles north of Jerusalem was the place where the captives were screened before being sent to Babylon. Jeremiah was given an option to stay in Jerusalem or go to Babylon where he would be cared for. He chose to stay in Jerusalem with the poor remnants of his people. He was a type of Moses who prefared to remain with the suffering Hebrews in Egypt rather than remain in the palace of Pharoah. The commander gave him money and provisions and said these words of recognition:"The Lord your God decreed this disaster for this place. And now the Lord has brought it about; he has done just as he said he would." Gedaliah who was made a puppet governor of Jerusalem by the commander was foolish and could not listern to the warning of danger from Ishmael and his band of guerrillas.
The object lesson here focuses on the choices of two key people. Jeremiah was free to go anywhere, but he chose to remain in Jerusalem. It was better for him to be poor in his home land than to have great comfort and power with the wicked. He preferred hardship in Judah than the favor of an evil king in Babylon. Though hated by the Judean remnants, he maintained the reputation of being loyal to his people and not looked upon as a traitor. For Gedaliah, he was foolish to ignore the warnings of danger. He did not belong in the Royal line of David and was unqualified to rule as governor in Jerusalem. He was contented to serve as a puppet to Babylon. Listen to what he said to the leaders of the Jewish guerrilla bands: "Stay here and serve the king of Babylon and all will be well."(verse 9b). Such a position was unacceptable to the Jewish guerrillas. He had to die.
Prayer for today: Lord, thank you for saving Jeremiah the true Prophet and giving him the courage to remain with the poor remnants in the land under unfavorable conditions. Teach us to choose suffering with the poor and the dispossessed rather than rejoyce in the palaces of evil kings and unworthy leaders. This we pray through the One who came down from heaven to save us and be with us. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on January 24, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 39. In this chapter the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians was finally actualized. Many people from Judah were taken into exile. Only the poor people, the sick and lonely were left behind. Jeremiah was among those left behind but to his glory he had favour from the Lord and from the King of Babylon. King Zedekiah who did not hid the warnings of Jeremiah attempted to escape at the last minute but was captured and taken to Riblah, where the king of Babylon put him on trial and passed sentence. His sons were killed before his eyes and after that, his eyes were poked out, and he was put in chains. His palace was burned down and Jerusalem completely destroyed. That was the reward of the wicked, but look at verses 11 and 12. Nebuchadnezzar had given the following orders to Nebuzaradan: "Find Jeremiah and keep him safe. Take good care of him and do whatever he asks." In verses 16-18 God sent Jeremiah to tell Ebedmelech from Ethiopia as follows: "I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, .....and you will see it happen. But because you trusted me, I will protect you from the officials of Judah, I will rescue you and keep you alive. I, the Lord have spoken." This is the reward of those who trusted the Lord.
Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet because he wept for his beloved nation and city, Jerusalem. His people did not believe him but took him for an enemy. How sad it was that the people he loved the most and prayed for every moment of his life hated him so much. But God does not forget and His words are always true. Zedekiah, son of King Josiah and last King of Judah ended very poorly because of his stubbornness. He died in Babylon a miserable death after he witnessed all his sons killed, and his eyes poked out by the Babylonians. The reward of Jeremiah was foretold in chapter 25:2 thus, "I will cause the enemy to treat you well in the day of evil. Jeremiah was faithful to his God and now God shows himself faithful to the promise made to Jeremiah. Ebed-melech's blessing also testifies that God never forgets our good deeds (verse 18 and 19). Be comforted my friend and do not ever be weary of well-doing.
Prayer for today: Adapted from Isaiah 62: Dear Lord, though the peace of Jerusalem had been disturbed, we will not cease to pray for her and cry out to you on her behalf until she shines forth in righteousness. Along with other intercessors we will cry all day and night for the fulfillment of your promises to restore Jerusalem to her glory and make her admired and respected throughout the whole earth. This is our prayer in the Name of the One who is coming to reign in the Millennium Kingdom. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Daily Devotion and Meditation on the Word of God on January 24, 2009
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 38. This is a very interesting passage for many reasons: King Zedekiah was so confused that he listened to everyone but could not make up his mind on the right thing to do. In chapter 37:21 he agreed that Jeremiah should not be killed, but in 38:5, he gave permission for him to be killed. When the officials had put Jeremiah in a cistern so that he might die there, the king was the one who gave permission to Ebed-Melech to go and rescue him. People should ask, how did an African from Ethiopia get to have such an influence on the King of Judah to talk him into giving permission to rescue Jeremiah from the cistern? To those who think or say that Africans had no part in making the Biblical history, there is one instance for your answer. Look again at verse 7. Only a Cushite, a foreigner, cared enough to save the life of a Major Prophet in Israel ! Where were all the Godly people in Judah and Israel?Jeremiah counseled the King after he was rescued from the cistern privately. It seemed that the King finally got it(verses 14-26).
This is a lesson to comfort, all those who serve God. They is a MUST lesson. Jeremiah was repeatedly persecuted by the leaders of Judah for 40 years. Jeremiah was faithful to God because he knew he was not serving man but God. Jeremiah received no popular following, no acclaim, no love, no gratitude, beatten, jailed, forced to leave his home, lowerd into the cistern to die, yet he remained faithful in serving God and his people. How many of us can endure like that? Listen, God does not call us for our personal comfort and glorification, but to duty at our post. God's only guarantee to His servants and children is that He will be with them and give them strength in times of trouble (2 Corinthians 1:3-7. Stop seeking man's approval my friend for the one who called you is the one you ought to answer to for approval. Avoid political correctness in ministry.
Prayer for today:Dear Lord, there are so many voices around but yours is the true voice. Help us to discern the truth and follow it at all cost as Jeremiah did and be blessed through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Jeremiah 37 Daily Devotion & Meditation on the Word of God
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapters 37 . These two chapters can easily be read together. In chapter 37, we see some new events manifesting. The people of Jerusalem had assassinated King Jehoiaikim and appointed his son Coniah commonly known as Jehoiachin, but only three months later he was taken captive to Babylon. In Babylon, Nebuchanezzar dumped Jehoiachin but appointed Zedekiah instead as his agent in Jerusalem. Zedekiah and his officials were not repentant either and all he wanted was for Jeremiah to pray for him for things to change (verses 2 and 3). Do you know anyone who always asks for prayers and blessings from God, but would not yield their lives to God? That was Zedekiah. My Friend, God is not pleased with those who come to Him only for what they can get from God. They want God to play Santa, only to give, bless, protect, and not to be referenced. God is ready to say NO. Look at verses 6-10. Of course out of hate and frustration, Jeremiah was ceased and put in prison, but God was with him and he did not die even though he continued to warn the king and the people with true messages from the Lord. The true Prophet hears from God and gives the message as it was given to him. False prophets are men/women pleasers. They say what the people want to hear. We will see that at the end, all of Jeremiah's prophecies came true exactly as he prophesied.
Prayer for today: Oh Lord God of Israel, your Word is truth. Open our eyes and our ears to see and hear the truth. Give us the discernment to know the truth and to follow the path of truth. Egypt in this lesson represented false hope and that was what happened to Judah. Egypt could not help. Take our hopes away from man, and anchor all our hopes in You the true Salvation of mankind. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Jeremiah 36 Daily Devotion & Meditation on the Word of God
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 36. In this chapter, God told Jeremiah to write a book containing all the warnings He had given to the people of Judah and Jerusalem. He did so by dictating for Baruch to write. When King Jehoiakim of Judah heard about the scroll, he sent for it and it was read to him. Note verse 23 that when Jehudi had read three or four columns of the scroll, the king cut them off with the scribe's knife and threw them into the firepot, until the entire scroll was burned in the fire. We are told in verses 27-31 that God instructed Jeremiah to write another scroll containg the same words that the king burned but to add the following statements:1. "He will have no one to sit on the throne of David; 2. his body will be thrown out and exposed to the heat by day and the frost by night; 3. I will punish him and his children and his attendants for their wickedness;4. I will bring on them and the people living in Jerusalem every disaster I pronounced against them, because they have not listened."
It was a terrible thing for the king of Judah to burn the scroll(The Bible). Any one who does such dispicable thing should not go unpunished !!! Look at verse 5. It was a sad affair in Judah and Israel when a Prophet like Jeremiah was restricted from entering the Temple of the Lord and yet these people called themselved declaring a national fast. Look at verse 19 also and note how the officials told Baruch and Jeremiah to go into hiding to avoid being killed by the king. We ought to be thankful to God that we live in a country where there is freedom of religion. Yesterday our new President attended National prayer convocation in Washington. There are also various prayer circles for the President and the leaders. Prayers are definitely needed for our leaders and we urge you to join one of these prayer circles.
And so we join them to pray as follows:
O Lord, God of the unverse, we thank you for our country where we can offer prayers to you freely. We join all the faithful of the land to pray for our President and his family and all the leaders. Keep this country in your Book of Remembrance. Forgive us when we go astray and bring us back into your Grace. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The reading of today came from Jeremiah chapter 36.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Jeremiah 35 Daily Devotion & Meditation on the Word of God
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 35. This is a very interesting story. Jeremiah employed various tactics to frighten the Jews out of disobedience to God, but none seemed to work. In this chapter, he invited the children from the family of Rechab into one of the offices in the temple and offered them wine. Now the Rechabites had a family code of conduct similar to that of the Nazirites which their ancestor gave them instruction not to drink wine and to dwell in tents throughout their generations. They were originally known as the Kenites(see 1 Chronicles 2:55). In this story, they refused to drink the wine given to them by Prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah used their obedience to the rule of their ancestor to convict the people of Jerusalem who disobeyed their God while the Rechabites obeyed their father completely. Look at verse 16:"The family of Rechabites have obeyed their father completely, but you have refused to listen to me." See also the blessings that came to the Rechabites in verse 19:"The Lord, the God of Israel, says that because you have obeyed your father in every respect, he shall always have descendants who will worship me."
My Friend, obeying your father and mother is commanded by God. Please read Exodus 20:12; Matthew 15:4; and Ephesians 6:1-3. The Rechabites were by far better than the original Israelites because they obeyed their father and by doing so obeyed God. How do you treat your parents today? If your parents are not living, how about your elders and your leaders? The eternal blessings of God are upon those who obey simple fatherly Godly instructions.
Prayer for today:
Adapted from verse 19: May the Lord God of Israel bless all those who obey their parents for this is the only commandment of God that comes with a promise. May you live long on this earth and be blessed with descendants who worship God. Halellujah. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.
Jeremiah 34 - Daily Devotion & Meditation on the Word of God
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 34. This chapter and the following four chapters continue to present Jeremiah's warnings and predictions for the captivity of Jerusalem by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. God kept sending messages through Jeremiah, but the people could not repent. King Zedekiah was told that though he would be captured, he will not be killed and he will die a natural death. To the people of Jerusalem, because they failed to free their Hebrew salves, there was no mercy for them, they will be killed and their dead bodies will become food for the birds of the air and beasts of the earth (verse 20). Those who were not killed will be scattered throughout the world as exiles they broke the contract they made with God, so judgment was awaiting them.
How do we regard God's anger towards us and our sinful world today? Do we think that God does not regard sin anymore? If God allowed His beloved nation, Israel to suffer, what about the Gentile nations, which God only extended residual love to? Think about this my friend and repent today.
Prayer for today:
Dear Lord, we have read of your fierce anger towards your beloved people in this chapter. We are as sinful if not more sinful today. Have mercy on us and take away our sins according to your Word for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod
Monday, January 19, 2009
Jeremiah 32 -Daily Devotion & Meditation on the Word of God

Hello My Friend; Good day. Happy Dr. MLK's Holliday
We thank God for Dr. King's life, hard work, obedience, faith, vision, dream, and unyielding commitment to the cause of social justice. Dr King would have turned 80 by now. How we love him and cherish his memories!!!
Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 32. The events of this chapter occurred between 587 and 586 B.C. while the Babylonians were besieging and trying to tear down
Prayer for today:
Adapted from verses 40-42: Dear Lord, let your covenant be permanent with your people and never again desert them, but only do them good. Put a desire into our hearts to worship you so that we never leave you to worship other gods. Please Lord; let it be your joy to do us good as your Word has promised through the merits of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod.