Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jeremiah 34 - Daily Devotion & Meditation on the Word of God

Hello My Friend; Good day and Congratulations on Obama's Inauguration as the 44th President of USA. It is a uniquely important political event. It suggests the idea of political messiah ship. But we must beware that we cannot put our hopes in humans who breathe through their nostrils. We must put all our hopes in God while we pray for our earthly leaders to do the right things. So we are to pray for Obama and his cabinet.

Our reading for today is from Jeremiah chapter 34. This chapter and the following four chapters continue to present Jeremiah's warnings and predictions for the captivity of Jerusalem by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. God kept sending messages through Jeremiah, but the people could not repent. King Zedekiah was told that though he would be captured, he will not be killed and he will die a natural death. To the people of Jerusalem, because they failed to free their Hebrew salves, there was no mercy for them, they will be killed and their dead bodies will become food for the birds of the air and beasts of the earth (verse 20). Those who were not killed will be scattered throughout the world as exiles they broke the contract they made with God, so judgment was awaiting them.

How do we regard God's anger towards us and our sinful world today? Do we think that God does not regard sin anymore? If God allowed His beloved nation, Israel to suffer, what about the Gentile nations, which God only extended residual love to? Think about this my friend and repent today.

Prayer for today:
Dear Lord, we have read of your fierce anger towards your beloved people in this chapter. We are as sinful if not more sinful today. Have mercy on us and take away our sins according to your Word for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Apostle Ndueso Udoiwod

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